If you’re going to dual wield your melee weapon, Dual Blades and Execution is a great choice. Recommended passive skills are Merciless Repertoire, Anatomy of Murder, and Necrotic Edge. With these range of skills that deals damage, it’s up to you on how you’ll distribute skill points depending on which you wanted to get stronger. Then Sigil of Consumption with Destruction can convert damage to health which is good for survivability.

Doom Bolt is a great finisher as it deals massive damage. You may also modify it with Fevered Rage to make it more damaging but with the consequence of making enemies berserk while they’re still alive. It has the deadly Blood Pox with Wasting and Black Death. Occultist also has wide range of vitality damage skills to offer. Then Bone Harvest with Dread and Soul Harvest for solid attack. Ravenous Earth with Decay and Foul Eruption for continuous damage. Recommended for Necromancer is Siphon Souls with Blood Boil for its ability to take some health. Now if you’re tired of pet build, you can choose a vitality focus one.

But since you’ll only have a very limited number of skill points, it’s up to you on how to distribute them or which one to learn and not to learn, depending on your personal priority. There are still a lot of good pet skills to learn here.