Choices they make will affect how many War Assets they earn, and the number of Assets they have between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 will help determine military readiness. Players should also keep track of their War Assets. Completing certain side missions ahead of these main missions and having a high enough Paragon or Renegade score will guarantee Shepard has access to every possible option. Players who want all the options also should focus on getting as high a Paragon or Renegade score as they can. There are several main missions during which Shepard has to make extremely difficult calls. The optimal mission order for Mass Effect 3 ensures players can earn enough Paragon or Renegade points to access all possible Charm/Intimidate conversation options. Here's an optimal way to complete missions in Mass Effect 3. It also helps to have a plan for completing the four Mass Effect 3 DLC, which tend to be a bit more lighthearted than the rest of the story and can allow fans a moment to catch their breath in the face of so much chaos.

This order generally also allows players to earn as many War Assets as possible, contributing to their military readiness rating against the Reapers and ensuring they don't lose a squadmate in the final battle. While there is no single right way to explore and complete missions in Mass Effect 3, fans generally agree there are some missions best saved for late-game to ensure the player has as many options as possible when it counts. Related: Mass Effect 3: How to Unlock The Secret Bonus Power When Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches later this year, returning fans and newcomers alike may find themselves wondering when to complete the various main story and side missions for optimal results. To improve this score, players can complete missions in a strategic order and save missions with demanding Paragon and Renegade checks until later in the story. In addition, some missions have additional outcomes tied to the Charm/Intimidate dialogue choices, which players will only unlock with a high enough Paragon or Renegade score. Some missions in Mass Effect 3 are extremely time-sensitive, with players facing serious consequences for failing to complete them within the time limit. The urgent tone of Mass Effect 3 can sometimes make every mission feel time-sensitive, and, with every main mission labeled "Priority," it can difficult to decide what should actually be prioritized.